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AEM-DRB Multi-Circuit Power Meter (DIN rail)
AEM-DRB Multi-Circuit Power Meter (DIN rail)


Due to climate change and global warming crisis caused by excess carbon dioxide emissions, energy conservation and carbon reduction have always been important issues. In addition, The EU has committed to be carbon neutral by 2050 and decided to proceed carbon border tax. Besides Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the companies are facing the impact of the rising cost.

In response to the market trend and customer needs, ADTEK develops AEM-DRB multi-loop power meters using high-performance advanced microprocessors and high-resolution fast sampling AD. It is small, easily installed, muilt-functional, and at reasonable price.

AEM-DRB is built with 2 main circuits, and it can proceed the outputs of 24 single phase or 8 three-phase. Different phases can be connected together for the workplace with different electrical circuits to save the cost. In addition, It is equipped with RS485 Modbus communication, input, output interface, LCD display, demand, TOU, data log and 2MB memory capacity. To be more widely available, it can go with the 2nd communication port( optional).



■ DIN Rail mounting and with clamp-on CT measurement achieves space saving and the reduction of time installation.

■ 30-loop design for current input measurement: 6 loops for main circuits; 24 loops for branch circuits

■ Flexible phase wire connection: a set of three current terminals can be set as 1P2W/ 1P3W/ 3P3W/

3P4W to proceed load measurement depends on the setting of the phase wire for main curcuit.

■ Example: when one of the branch loops was set as 1P2W, then each current terminal could connect with other phase voltage to achieve load balancing( main circuit is set as 3P4W).

■ There're 15 current terminals on upper and lower sides which are completely isolated. They can be used for dual power system measurement.

■ Each loop is equipped with the function of THD and 31st HD measurement that can be applied on the monitoring of power quality in the industries of precise manufacturing/ semiconductor devices.

■ Each loop is able to proceed TOU for electricity cost sharing of rental market.

■ Offer 2MB Flash ROM for data log.

■ Dot-matrix LCD display with conversational user interface, easy for on-site operation; offer setting software for batch setting.

■ Offer 2 sets of DI and 4 sets of relay outputs for multiple function of I/O control functions for on-site monitoring/alarm.

■ Offer 1 set of RS485 Modbus RTU and optional requirement for another set of RS485, or Ethernet (Modbus/TCP).

■ Optional colorful touch screen over 7" size (HMI) for job site needs.

■ Designed to CE standard and Cat Ⅱ standard.



■ Rental buildings / apartment

■ Street shops/ workshops

■ Dormitories/ exhibiition booths

■ Aims at distributed electricity management


Differences between AEM-DRA and AEM-DRB:

1. Supports isolated dual voltage systems simultaneously (220VAC and 380VAC) 

2. Meet CATII

3. TOU and 31st individual harmonic distortions are optionally selected for each loop

4. User friendly interface for better and easier configuration

Summary of specifications
  • Summary of Specifications
  • Selection Information
  • Related Products
  • 2D/3D File
  • EPLAN File
  • Setup Software

Meter Selection Guide

Accuracy & Resolutions



Version: 1.10 / Update: 2024.11


Instruction sheet

Version: 1.2 / Update: 2024.08.14



Version: 1.5 / Update: 2024.11


Modbus Register List

Version: 1.9 / Update: 2024.11.11

Please log in the member area to get more operation manual, 2D/3D documents, setup software, certificate and testing reports. 


AEM DRA System parameters setting Setting  (AEM DRB Video coming soon  )




Instruction Videos: 


1. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- A 1 Wiring System



2. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- A 2 A 3 PT Ratio Setting



3. ADTEK ELECTRONICS - NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction-A 4 CT Primary Side Ratio 



4. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- A 5 CT Secondary Side Ratio



5. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- A 6 Assigning the Voltage Loops



6. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- A 8 Default Page Setting



7. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- Communication Setting



8. ADTEK ELECERONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- C 0 Pulse Output Setting



9. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- D 0 Electrical Energy Unit Setting



10. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- E 0 Standby Time& Time Value Setting



11. ADTEK-NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction-F 0 Demand Setting



12. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- G 0 IO&Alarm Setting



13. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- Reset-to-Default Setting



14. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- Clearing the Numerical Value



15. ADTEK ELECTRONICS - NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- Viewing the Meter's Information and Version



16. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- Viewing the Summary Information



17. ADTEK ELECTRONICS- NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction- Viewing the Numerical Value



18. ADTEK ELECTRONICS-NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB- Instruction-Viewing the Alert Record



19. ADTEK ELECTRONICS - NEW PRODUCT AEMDRB-Instruction- Viewing the Electrical Energy data




Others Setting Video : 


Customized display page setting



AEM DRA Restore factory default value



AEM DRA RS485 communication setting


AEM-DRB CAD Update: 2023.04.21
AEM-DRB STP Update: 2023.04.21
AEM-DRB BIM Update: 2024.01.16
10 Loops AEM-DRB-1 File 10 Loops AEM-DRB-1 File
10 Loops AEM-DRB-2 File 10 Loops AEM-DRB-2 File
10 Loops AEM-DRB-3 File 10 Loops AEM-DRB-3 File
5 Loops AEM-DRB-1 File 5 Loops AEM-DRB-1 File
5 Loops AEM-DRB-2 File 5 Loops AEM-DRB-2 File
5 Loops AEM-DRB-3 File 5 Loops AEM-DRB-3 File
AEM-DRB Setup Software Version: 2.2 / Update: 2024.12.25
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